RE: Can I have one google Adsense account for two play developers account?

I have one Adsense account for two of my developers account through Admob account. I want to know what will happen if one of my accounts has been blocked.If anyone knows about it please tell me.

Gray_Johnson Brong Asked on September 9, 2016 in Google Adsense.
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1 Answers

Thanks for your question. Now google Adsense is strict about their rules which is known as program policy   .According to their rules, you can only open one AdSense account.I think google Adsense can suspend your account.If they suspend your Adsense account but your Admob account will remain. You can use your Admob account. You should careful about this in future. Hope you find your answer.

Default Answered on September 15, 2016.
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