RE: How to submit link in social bookmarking website?

I know the importance of social bookmarking but I don’t know how to social bookmark?
I want to learn social bookmarking. So I want to learn – How to submit link in social bookmarking website?
Because I want to bookmark my website

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1 Answers

Please follow this steps below to submit your link in social bookmarking website,

  • Step 1: Collect a list of social bookmarking website.
  • Step 2: Now Register every social bookmarking site by accepting their terms and condition.
  • Step 3:  Register every website by using your email address. or you can use your social media profile like facebook, twitter or google plus.
  • Step 4: Use domain name as your username  as for example: if your website name is  then your username will be “linkworld or linkworldus” In this case I will recommend you to create same username and password in all social bookmarking websites.
  • Step 5: Now login every social bookmarking website at a time from your browser by taking new tab.
  • Step 6: Now Bookmark your link at a time in many social bookmarking website.

Hope you have got your answers, How to submit link in social bookmarking website? If you do not understand any point, then ask me again. Thanks.

Brong Answered on March 5, 2017.
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