An essay is a short piece written from the point of view of the writer. Writing a good essay is central to meeting the target of the author. The fundamental structure of an essay is the same regardless of the purpose for writing a specific essay. knowing and understanding the steps involved in writing an essay eliminates fear and exasperating process that people often undergo when writing essays. Writing an essay is similar to going up an escalator, it’s a gradual process where one stage leads to another until you get to the top. How to write a good essay is clearly answered through the steps from involved in essay writing elaborated below.

1. Research: The basic steps in good essay writing begin with research. Research is a knowledge based step where keen analysis of the topic is done. The main benefit of research is to provide knowledge that can be utilized in the essay. It also forms the premises of the main objective of writing the essay. Every writer seeks to solve a particular existing problem of concern or pass a specific message and therefore research serves to support his idea and thereby making his essay more effective. Sources of research range from academic databases in libraries to the widely used internet. A good essay writer writes down in summary form the findings and their sources, to enhance his or her retain-ability and reliability.

2. Investigation: This is the argumentative or analysis stage of essay writing. This is the step whereby analytical thinking is given to the content of the essay. The writer evaluates the claims, evidences and reasons from the research. In this stage positive criticism is esteemed by the writer in a bid to ensure that the knowledge gathered from research is critically analyzed. Most importantly, for one to learn how to write a good essay he or she needs first to learn how to keenly analyze articles that have been written by other writers. Careful analysis done on essays will reveal possible strengths and weaknesses of logic.

3. Apprehension or brainstorming: This is a method of generating ideas and can been further elaborated as the suspension of criticism to help stimulate lateral thinking of the mind of the writer. In this step of essay writing the writer makes efforts to find a conclusion for certain specific problem through the gathering of a list of many solutions spontaneously after which he deliberately combines and improves them. In this phase evaluation is not applied as the purpose of the writer is to generate as many ideas as possible concerning the specific topic or problem. The writer asks himself numerous questions and engages his genuine insight and jots down every idea that crosses his mind concerning the topic.

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Default Answered on September 3, 2024.
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