RE: How will you represent the number 1600 with the help of roman numbers?

How will you represent the number 1600 with the help of roman numbers?

b. MDC
c. CMD
d. DMC
e. None of the above

Unlock Code Default Asked on November 21, 2017 in GMAT.
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Thanks for asking question on GMAT Section,
Your question was – How will you represent the number 1600 with the help of roman numbers?
Your correct answer is- B

Now read this explanation for more clarifications:

According to the roman number representation scheme,
Letter I represents a value of 1
Letter X represents a value of 10
Letter V represents a value of 5
Letter L represents a value of 50
Letter C represents a value of 100
Letter D represents a value of 500
Letter M represents a value of 1000
We have to find the roman symbol for number 1600.
1600 = 1000 + 500 + 100 = M C D
Hence, the correct answer is option b.

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Silver Answered on November 21, 2017.
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