RE: I want to know about Henri Matisse , Rembrandt, Biography of Tisian. The famous artist.

I  know that  Henri Matisse , Rembrandt, Tisian.  was famous artist. But I don’t know about them in details. So I need to know about them, Can any body help me?

Janet M. Henry Default Asked on March 26, 2016 in Arts & Culture.
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1 Answers

Hi  Sagor,
Here I have tried to give your answers of your questions in short. To see details click on the link below.

Henri Matisse – A World Famous Artists Henri Matissewas A World Famous Artists. Matisse was born in 1869 in northern France. At young age Mathis practiced different methods of modern and ancient arts. He had extra-ordinary talent at drawing or sketch. In every method he investigated its own specially and uniqueness.
See more about Tisian click this link:

Rembrandt Rembrandt was born in Leyden, the center of art, literature and culture in Method on the 15th July1606. His father was a wealthy man. He expected his son would receive higher-education and establish himself as an eminent citizen in Leyden. But Rembrandt did not show any interest in such a traditional education.
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Tisian (1482-1576) Tisian was born in the natural beauty and charming environment of Alps in Italy. His father was a highofficial in Army. That is why they were famous as a cultural and aristocratic family. Science childhood Tisian was thoughtful and poetic in nature. This is because of nature environment streams of hills
See more about Tisian click this link:

Silver Answered on March 26, 2016.
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