RE: Is it possible to replace xperia z1 battery?

I have bought a  new sony xperia z1 mobile. I don’t know anything about this warranty or guarantee. So I need to know about this in details. Please some one help me.

Is it possible to replace xperia z1 battery?

jamiemariah Default Asked on May 30, 2017 in Mobile Phone.
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1 Answers

Thanks for your questions “Is it possible to replace Sony Xperia z1 battery?” I think this very important questions for all like yours. Here I’m trying to give your answers in brief.

You can get a battery but you can’t replace it on your own because Xperia Z series phones are made waterproof and there’s absolutely no way to open it without a hot air blower. So, it’d be better if you take your phone to an authorized service center to get your battery replaced, because if you’ll take it to local shop for the replacement, you’ll loose the waterproofing from your Z1. 🙂

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You can see all Sony Xperia Z1 battery from here.

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Brong Answered on June 10, 2017.
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