RE: What are some tips for hiring employees for a restaurant?
I’m new here. I don’t know anything about thisrestaurant.
What are some tips for hiring employees for a restaurant?
So I need to know about this in details. Please some one help me.
Thanks for your questions“What are some tips for hiring employees for a restaurant?” I think this questions employees for a restaurant is very important for all like yours.
Here I’m trying to give your answers in brief.
I’ve worked for nearly ten different restaurants and many catering companies. I now manage my own on-call staffs for our company.
The most important thing I look for in the employees is being on time, being early.
An event manager at a catering company once told me this: *Being on time is being late. (so, arrive at least ten minutes before your shift time.)*
Time is very critical in the restaurant business. For example, if one staff comes in late, it can cause the restaurant to open late or not ready to open for the regular business hour. If a chef comes in late, they many not be able to finish the prep work before the restaurant opens.
Because of the nature of business/industry, I’ve seen many “no-shows”, especially among on-call staffs. I’ve had one staff calling me two hours before the event and told me he was unable to come because he was sick. Since he was the only assistant I scheduled for that day, I needed to perform the prep, cooking and serving by myself. I managed to do the event. However, I almost lost the client because one person service was inadequate compared to two-person service
Luckily, all of our current staff arrive at least ten to fifteen minutes before their call time (without ever asking them to do), and I would expect the same for our employee if I were to run a restaurant.
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