RE: What are the factors to keep in mind while hiring a java developer?
I need a team for my business project but I don’t know how to hire the best team. Any help would be appreciated.
When you step into marketplace to “hire java developer“, there are plenty of freelance professional java developers which makes it difficult to opt for the best for your software.
There are several questions you can ask to figure out the suitable team for your project.
Ask your developer-
1) Are multithreading and multitasking the same thing?
2) Which loop concepts are there in Java?
3) What are the basic framework interfaces and their advantages?
4) How threads are created? Which one you use and why?
5) How you store sensitive data of app users and also why?
6) What should be avoided while designing an abstract class?
7) What are enums and how can they be used?
8) In Java, can an interface extend to multiple interfaces?
9) Tell me the difference between Errors, Unchecked Exception, and Checked Exception
10) What are System.gc(), Runtime.gc() and finalize() methods for?
Also, you can consult a reputed Custom Java App Development Company who have experience in IT Industry and have a skilled development team. They are expert in communication and coordination with their clients.
All the best!