RE: What can I do to get her?

I love a girl very much.She is my class mate.I feel that she is also love me.I told her i love you.but she is not tell me anything in rply.I think she is trying to ignore me.I know her and also understand her feeling.She is hurted by a boy before that’s why she is ignoring those people who like her or love her.Now I do not understand what i have to do.

Gray_Johnson Brong Asked on September 10, 2016 in Love & Relationship.
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1 Answers

Thanks for your question. I think, first of all, you need to know girls are very shy. They don’t like to share their feelings with others. But in your case, it is more difficult because someone cheats this girl. So, she did not trust anybody. So, the first thing you have to do. You have to make her believe that you won’t cheat her. You have to show your positive before her. So that, she can realize that you are not bad. You can take care her. You also can do one thing.If this plan does not work. The second plan is you have to act like you ignore her. Then she will think  about you. After some days if you found no changes. Go with my first plan. After two or three months, you should again propose her.  If she agrees then enjoy a happy life with your girlfriend. If she does not agree, don’t feel sorry. Then you have to think she is not for you, you deserve better than this.

Default Answered on September 15, 2016.
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