RE: What is a Hemodialysis catheter and how to take care of it?

What is a Hemodialysis catheter and how to take care of it?


lifeoline Default Asked on December 3, 2021 in Health & Fitness.
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1 Answers

The catheter used for hemodialysis is a tunneled catheter because it is placed under the skin. Non-cuffed tunneled catheters are used for emergencies and for short periods. Tunneled cuffed catheters, a type recommended by the NKF for temporary access, can be used for longer than 3 weeks.

By taking good care of your access, it will last longer and you will prevent problems such as infection and clotting.

You should always:

1. Keep the catheter dressing clean and dry.

2. Make sure the area of the insertion site is clean and your care team changes the dressing at each dialysis session.

3. Keep an emergency dressing kit at home, in case you need to change your dressing in between treatments.

4. Never remove the cap on the end of your catheter. Air must not enter the catheter.

5. You can shower or bath if you have a clear dressing that sticks to your catheter site and the skin around it. 

6. Wear a mask over your nose and mouth anytime the catheter is opened to prevent bacteria from entering the catheter and your bloodstream.

7. The caps and the clamps of your catheter should be kept tightly closed when not being used for dialysis.

8. If the area around your catheter feels sore or looks red, call your dialysis care team at once.

9. Know your Kt/V and URR (urea reduction ratio). Kt/V and URR are numbers that tell you how much dialysis you should get and are getting.

Default Answered on March 19, 2022.
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