RE: Where can I get round cut diamond rings?

28Diamonds has the best diamond engagement rings in whole of Sydney, Australia. Design your own custom wedding ring in diamond, solitaire, gold or platinum today.

28diamonds Default Asked on September 15, 2022 in Life Style.
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1 Answers

I can’t stop thinking about my circular solitaire! It is 1.7 carats but is cut to look like a 2 carat, thus the top is larger than the depth. My fiancé really astonished me because I only expected 1.2-1.5 carats; I don’t think it’s too huge, though; I like the way a big round diamond looks. Overall, circular solitaires are stunning and classic. I receive a tonne of praises on it. Love the hidden halo on mine as well. The only problem I’ve ever had with the high setting is that occasionally a hair or two will get trapped on my hand if I run it through my hair.

Default Answered on September 3, 2024.
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