RE: Why and where to buy genuine amulets?

Why and where to buy genuine amulets?

WendyLaxton Default Asked on June 4, 2020 in Businesses.
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2 Answers

Hi JoshuaPatch,
If so, Then I will say that all Thai People are on the wrong track. Because there is no power of Stone.  There is no power of the blessing of monks.  All powers owner is that Almighty who creates us. Who creates this whole world. 
So We should not pray monks. Monk is a person, a human being. We are also  persons, a human being so we should not prey or respects any Monks
We should pray to him who creates those monks. 
He is one. He has no relatives. He is our creator. He feeds us, He saves us from all herms.  He is our Greatest Allah.

Amulet is nothing. it has no power.

Brong Answered on June 5, 2020.
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