RE: Why my question is not approved by answers mode moderator?

I have asked questions several times in answers mode but my questions not approve  by moderator. they are deleting my questions. Why?
I want to know. and I want to know the correct way of asking questions on answers mode.


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1 Answers

Thank you very much for your valuable question. I think all the member of answers mode should know the answer of this question.  Why your question or answer is not published on answer mode? if you know this answer then it will be helpful for you to published a question or answer.

Your question will not publish on answers mode if you have to write a question correctly but if you post an ad on the question detail section.
Remember this is not advertising place. This is a question answer website. So your ad is not published.
So, you should ask questions in correct format.

See the image below for better understanding.

Your post is not published on answersmode if you post these kinds of sexual ads.
See the image below for better understanding.

Hope you can understand now what type of question will not publish.

Default Answered on July 15, 2018.
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