Which are best food to boost energy level?

If you are feeling low on energy these days, add these 10 foods to your diet that help fight fatigue by boosting your energy levels. With the fast pace of life, cultivating many things at once without losing balance is really a struggle. The lack of energy in it not only affects your work but also prevents you from enjoying life with your loved ones.

For more:-

10 super foods to boost energy


Default Asked on January 23, 2022 in Health & Fitness.
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3 Answer(s)

oats, banana, apple, peanut butter, rice, brown bread,

Default Answered on January 29, 2022.
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Dry fruits are rich in vitamins and proteins; they also boost exemption and prevent lifestyle illnesses such as cholesterol and diabetes. Most dry fruits are rich in minerals, proteins, fiber and vitamins add to that they are tasty and delicious too. Dry fruits are an excellent and healthy replacement for daily snacks.


Default Answered on January 29, 2022.
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Steady energy feels great. To optimize your daily energy level, try adding some of these foods into your meal plan.

Here are some types of food that can keep you healthy.




Sesame seeds.







Brown rice



Sweet potatoes

For more info

Default Answered on September 21, 2022.
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